The Rutherford First Aid-Ambulance Corps (RFAAC) is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to providing Emergency Medical Care services 24 hours a day to the Borough of Rutherford, New Jersey, as well as mutual aid to neighboring towns.
Our riding members are Emergency Medical Technicians licensed by the New Jersey Department of Health - Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS), trained to provide immediate pre-hospital care to the critically ill and injured and transport to a local hospital.
The RFAAC has an active membership of approximately 45 volunteers, 40 of which perform ambulance service in the field. With the exception of Building Maintenance, Insurance, and Fuel, the Ambulance Corps receives no support from the municipal government. The organization is funded strictly through contributions from the public.
The RFAAC provides emergency care at no charge to any of our patients. We respond to approximately 1,400 calls per year.
The RFAAC also participates in the EMT-Defibrillator program in conjunction with our Advanced Life Support (ALS) agency, Hackensack University Medical Center, and is a member of the 24th District of the New Jersey State First Aid Council.

Becoming a Member
1. Apply
Complete and submit Membership Application form above.
2. Interview
Upon receiving your application, we will invite you for an interview with our membership committee
3. Medical Physical and Criminal Background Check
As part of our due diligence in processing your application, we need to ensure that you are physically fit to perform the duties associated with being an EMT as well as ensuring that you do not have a criminal history. To that end, subsequent to acceptance of your application, you will be asked to go for a medical physical and will also be asked to meet with a Detective at the Rutherford Police Department (RPD) who will take your fingerprints and initiate a criminal background check. You will need to complete and sign the Background Check Release Form to authorize the RPD to do this check.
4. Become an EMT
If you are not currently certified as an EMT you will need to complete the EMT course which normally encompasses approximately 250 hours of training and is offered three times a year at the Bergen County EMS Training Center in Paramus, N.J. as well as at other sites.
This training is offered at no charge to members of our organization and prospective members who have completed the application process.
While the 250 hours of training might seem initially overwhelming, it tends to be a worthwhile experience, since the training you receive can be used not only in your future capacity as a member of the Rutherford First Aid Ambulance Corps, but also in your place of employment, or in the event of any emergency in your home or that of a relative, friend, or neighbor.
It should be clearly understood that the Rutherford First Aid Ambulance Corps is looking for a long-term commitment to our organization by prospective applicants. We encourage you to carefully review the time required to complete the EMT training program in order to determine if you are willing to actively participate in our organization in the future.
5. Start your Squad Training
Upon EMT Certification you will become a “trainee” in our squad. You will ride with our squad members and get familiarized with our Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s), our communication systems, our rigs etc. At the end of the training period your performance will be evaluated by our squad members and a recommendation will be made for full squad membership and privileges.
6. Pick a Shift
As a full member you can either pick a regular shift or fill in “open slots”. Every member is required to serve at least 30 hours a month, 12 of which must be on the weekend.

Give a Life Saving Gift To Your Community!
The Rutherford First Aid Ambulance Corps continues to rely on the financial support from our residents and businesses to support our life saving efforts. Based on our call volume, our operating expense for each ambulance call responded to is approximately $100.00. Our operating budget is completely financed through donations, including the purchase of our life saving equipment and our three ambulances.
Why do we have a fund drive?
With the exception of building maintenance, insurance and fuel, the Rutherford First Aid-Ambulance Corps, Inc. receives no support from the municipal government. Each February, the Ambulance Corps asks for donations from the public. Because the Ambulance Corps has NEVER billed a patient for its services, a successful fund drive is imperative for its survival. Unfortunately, only approximately 30% of Rutherford’s homes and businesses respond to our request for tax deductible donations.
Why should I donate?
The Ambulance Corps is an all volunteer organization whose members devote countless hours to make sure that emergency medical services are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The Ambulance Corps has carried on this tradition of unselfish devotion to Rutherford’s families and businesses since 1949. When making a donation to our life saving organization, you can be sure that it goes toward providing the finest emergency medical services.
How much does it cost to run a volunteer squad?
Each January, we prepare a budget based upon the funds we received during the prior year. If we take our total budget and divide it by the number of calls we handle, our average cost per call is approximately $100.00.
What are some of the most costly bills?
Ambulance maintenance and repairs is our most expensive cost per year. We also have to budget our funds for the future to purchase new ambulances. An average ambulance will cost us over $150,000.00 and will last more than twelve years. In addition, we spend thousands of dollars per year on medical and oxygen supplies; and radio equipment and radio maintenance.
How do I donate?
Donating has never been so easy! Just click the “Donate” button on the right side bar and follow the PayPal instructions.
If you prefer to mail in your donation, please, enclose your name and address with your check and send it to:
Rutherford First Aid-Ambulance Corps, Inc.
P.O. Box 217
Rutherford, NJ 07070-0217
Is there an annual fundraiser?
Yes. Each February, a mailer should come to your home or business. Please fill out the multi-part form with your tax deductible donation.
If you did not receive a mailer, it might be because you are renting or our database has not kept up with you. We would very much appreciate if you would make a contribution as described in the previous paragraph.
Are there other ways to donate?
Yes. We have a Memorial Donation program. In lieu of flowers at a funeral, some people chose to make a Memorial Donation to us in the name of a deceased relative or friend. We send the family a special card acknowledging the Memorial Donation. The two Rutherford funeral homes have additional information. In addition, since we are a qualified charity, people remember us in their wills with special charitable bequests.